Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton or her full name is Paris Whitney Hilton, born in New York City, New York, USA, on February 17, 1981.She was the daughter of Richard Hilton and Kathy Richards and heir of Hilton Hotels Corporation and real estate company his father. He has a younger sister named Nicky Hilton and two younger brothers named Barron Hilton II and Conrad Hilton II.
Reality show starring Hilton and become famous through the series "The Simple Life. He became better known after his video when Hilton having sex with his girlfriend at the time, Rick Salomon was leaked on the Internet. The video was later released as a DVD titled 1 Night in Paris on June 9, 2004. Hilton sue Salomon, but his demands were canceled. Hilton received U.S. $ 400,000 and donated a percentage profit.
In addition to his world role, she Stars Are Blind singer and movie actor House of Wax.